Differences Between HTTP and SMTP | Comparison HTTP and SMTP.

In this post, we are going to learn the differences between HTTP and SMTP with the similarities between HTTP and SMTP, also the comparison between HTTP and SMTP.
Differences Between HTTP and SMTP
Differences Between HTTP and SMTP

The people who are working with the internet and computer may have come across the term “SMTP” and “HTTP”.

The computers using LAN [Local Area Network] with Internet connection communicate with each other for data exchange and this exchange of data or information is also called as “PROTOCOL”.

Therefore the processes in which computers communicate with each other have certain rules and regulations & this set of rules has to be followed to receive and obtain the desired result.

For example, for network communication, TCP/IP [Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol] protocol is used and for file and data sharing FTP [File Transfer Protocol] protocol is used.

HTTP is used to transfer data | information from a web server to a web client and SMTP is used to send and receive emails between mail servers.

HTTP Full Form: -  Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
SMPT Full Form: - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

So, without wasting time.

What is HTTP?

Let’s start exploring the topic in detail.

The HTTP stands for [Hypertext Transfer Protocol] and was started off by Tim Berners-Lee in the year 1989 at CERN. The first version of HTTP/1 was registered in the year 1997.

The hyperlinking to an anchor text is called hypertext or anchor text which is pointed to another resource.

Where users can easily navigate from one source to the other with the help of a mouse by clicking on the anchor text of hyperlink text.

Therefore HTTP is a very important aspect of data communication also for World Wide Web.

HTTP is an Application Layer Protocol that is used for data and information transfer between network devices.

The data exchange and transfer can only take place when there is a connection between our computer and the server.

To exchange data there is a certain protocol that must be followed this protocol is called as Network Protocol.

This network protocol is used to avoid data violations. The network protocol is responsible for the data format which is exchanged between the computer and server.

HTTP uses a network protocol to handle the request and commands from the browser and to define the format of the data for example text, images, videos, audio, etc.

HTTP Request-Response Protocol acts as an intermediate between the web browser and server also to establish a connection between them.

When you type URL [Uniform Resource Locator] in the address bar of any web browser like (Mozilla, chrome, IE, Safari).

The URL starts with HTTP it denotes that the browser is sending a request to the web server and HTTP needs to establish the connection between them for data transfer and exchange.

This data and information can be of any nature like text, images, videos, audio, etc.

But nowadays we do not need to include HTTP in our URL as the browser and server automatically add this to your request.

What is SMTP?

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is an internet standard communication protocol for electronic mail transmission.

Mail servers and other message transfer agents use SMTP to send and receive mail messages.

SMTP, TCP/IP protocol is a part of the application layer.

This protocol uses a process name store and forwards which enables communications with another computer, your emails are transferred or sent to other inboxes with the help of a Mail Transfer Agent [MTA].

This process is completely done backstage and you need not worry about what’s happening in the background also it is completely an automated process.

Let us try to understand this topic in more simple words. This SMTP protocol is used to send and receive emails from others.

Your email clients such as Apple iPhone, Gmail, Outlook Apple I pad, Apple Mail, Yahoo! Mail, Outlook Google Android, etc.

Use the same SMTP protocol for sending and receiving emails from others.

However, SMTP is a collection of orders of electronic mail which are responsible for transfer and authorization.

When you configure your email program you need to configure your SMTP to your internet provider.

Emails servers have specific SMTP servers which are written as smtp.mailserver.com and they are capable of sending emails to multiple addresses.

The format of the email address is specified by SMTP.

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Difference Between HTTP and SMTP
Differences Between HTTP and SMTP | Comparison Between HTTP & SMTP

Differences Between HTTP and SMTP in Points

similarities and differences between HTTP and SMTP in points (HTTP vs SMTP) are mentioned below.
  • HTTP stands for Hypertext transfer protocol whereas SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol.
  • HTTP is used for data and file transfer whereas SMTP is used for mail services.
  • HTTP uses port no 80 while SMTP uses port no 25.
  • HTTP uses TCP connection as Persistent and non-persistent whereas SMTP uses persistent TCP connection only.
  • HTTP transfers files and data |information from a web server to web clients whereas SMTP uses mail servers to transfer emails from one inbox to another.
  • HTTP uses the Pull protocol whereas SMTP uses the push protocol.
  • HTTP uses band type in-band whereas SMTP uses band type in-band.
  • HTTP and SMTP are stateless.
  • TCP Connections in both SMTP and HTTP are 1.
  • HTTP does not require 7-bit ASCII whereas SMTP requires 7-bit ASCII [American Standard Code of Information and interchange].
  • SMTP and HTTP are text protocols.
  • The “telnet HTTP server” command is used to interact with them in HTTP whereas the “telnet SMTP server” is used in SMTP.
  • HTTP encapsulates each object in its own HTTP response message whereas SMTP places all of the message’s objects into one message.

10 Differences Between HTTP and SMTP in Tabular Form

1HTTP stands for Hypertext transfer protocol.SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol.
2HTTP is used for data and file transferSMTP is used for mail services.
3HTTP uses port no 80SMTP uses port no 25.
4HTTP uses TCP connection as Persistent and non-persistentSMTP uses persistent TCP connection only.
5HTTP transfers files and data |information from a web server to web clientsSMTP uses mail servers to transfer emails from one inbox to another.
6HTTP uses the Pull protocolSMTP uses push protocol.
7HTTP uses band type in-bandSMTP uses band type in-band.
8HTTP does not require 7-bit ASCIISMTP requires 7-bit ASCII [American Standard Code of Information and interchange].
9“telnet HTTP server” command is used to interact with them in HTTP“telnet SMTP server” is used in SMTP.
10HTTP encapsulates each object in its own HTTP response messageSMTP places all of the message’s objects into one message.
Differences Between HTTP and SMTP
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Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

What are 2 Similarities and 2 Differences Between SMTP and HTTP

The 2 major similarities between SMTP and HTTP are.

File Transfer
Persistent Connection


Message Encoding

What is SMTP Stands for


What is HTTP Stands for


What is HTTPS Stands for



SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP used for sending and receiving emails.

How Many Types of SMTP are there?

Regular SMTP
Dedicated SMTP

Get In Touch

The world of computer technology is changing rapidly and the protocols used before are not more efficient and reliable nowadays.

The technology which we are using today will be replaced with modern innovation. I will be updating this article as I come across new updated technologies.

Till then enjoy reading my other article which I have written and compiled on computers.

The points I have made here will be more frequently updated as soon as I come across more news and updates.

I have also written some articles on computers and telecommunication hope you like them.

I hope that all the questions and queries related to the similarities and differences between HTTP and SMTP had been answered here with the pros and cons of HTTP and SMTP servers.
If you have any questions related to the drawbacks and benefits of HTTP & SMTP.

Please feel to contact me and also if you need to add or remove something from the article which I may have forgotten to do so, please feel free to chat with me in the comment section.

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