Beginners Guide to Blockchain Programming

Table of Contents

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger shared among many nodes or computers. Although the fundamental technology of Bitcoin first attracted attention, its uses go far beyond cryptocurrencies.

Thanks to blockchain technology, everything from supply chain management to safe data storage is being revolutionized right now.

Importance of Blockchain Programming

Given the rising demand for blockchain-based solutions, blockchain programming experts are desperately needed.

It’s a skill that opens up many career prospects and provides a comprehensive understanding of this game-changing technology.

Currently, blockchain developers are among the highest-paid workers in the tech sector.

Thus, learning blockchain programming is like making a high-yield investment in a secure asset.

Blockchain Basics

Anatomy of a Block

A blockchain is a collection of blocks connected in a straight line according to time.

Each block has a reference (hash) to the block before it, a set of transactions, and a timestamp.

This design offers a high level of security by making data tampering extremely difficult.

Decentralization vs. Centralization

Decentralization is a crucial distinction between blockchain and conventional databases.

A single server houses all the data in a centralized system, making it an excellent target for assaults.

On the other hand, a blockchain is decentralized, meaning the data is dispersed among numerous nodes.

Enhanced security, translucence and responsibility are all crucial features of this design.

Blockchain Programming Languages

Blockchain Programming Languages
Blockchain Programming Languages

#1. Solidity.

On Ethereum, Solidity is the preferred language for creating smart contracts.

Decentralized apps (dApps) are created using this statically typed language and run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

You must become familiar with Solidity to use Ethereum as your preferred blockchain.

#2. C++.

This general-purpose language is appropriate for blockchain development, where speed and efficiency are crucial because it provides speed and low-level access to computer memory.

Since it was created for initiatives like Bitcoin, C++ is frequently employed in those endeavors.

#3. Python.

Python is famed for being straightforward and readable, making it stylish and one of the popular languages for those new to blockchain.

Python is employed in more compact blockchain projects than Solidity or C++, and it’s great for learning the fundamentals.

Useful Video : Blockchain Technology

Setting Up Development Environment

Local Environment

To get started, you’ll need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) appropriate for blockchain development.

Because of the support from the community and the abundance of extensions, Visual Studio Code is well-liked.

Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager), which are required for managing dependencies, must also be installed.

Online Platforms

Remix IDE and similar technologies are ideal if you prefer a web-based environment.

Remix enables you to create, test, and deploy intelligent contracts from your web browser without the need for installations.

Smart Contracts


Smart contracts are contracts that automatically carry out the terms and conditions that are encoded directly into lines of code.

They are immutable and transparent since they are duplicated and stored on the blockchain.

Real-world Applications

Beyond financial deals, smart contracts have a wide range of uses.

They are used in healthcare for secure patient data, in real estate for open land registries, and even in supply chain management to automate intricate multi-party contracts.

Creating Your First Smart Contract


Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed before you begin writing code. These will enable you to handle packages and dependencies properly.

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Open your IDE and create a new file with a .sol extension.
  2. Write the Solidity code for your smart contract.
  3. Start simple: Make a contract that allows users to send and receive tokens.
  4. Compile your smart contract code to ensure there are no errors.
  5. Test the contract using the tools available or manually to ensure it behaves as expected.

Testing Smart Contracts

Tools for Testing

To ensure your smart contracts are safe and function as expected, frameworks like Truffle include Mocha and Chai for automated testing.

Manual Testing

Never rely on automated tests alone. You can replicate real-world settings and find potential flaws that automated tests might miss using manual testing.

Deploying Smart Contracts

Deploying to Test Networks

Deploying your smart contract on a testnet like Ropsten or Kovan is essential before making it live.

This enables you to test it without using physical assets in a live network to see how it performs.

Deploying to Main Networks

You can deploy your smart contract to a central network like Ethereum if it’s secure and error-free.

Keep in mind that there are means involved, so make sure you’ve done thorough testing.

The Need for Crypto in Blockchain App Deployment

Why Crypto is Essential

The deployment is inaccessible when you create smart contracts or decentralized apps (dApps) using frameworks like Ethereum.

Every transaction necessitates a fee called “gas,” which must be paid in Bitcoin, including implementing smart contracts.

The cryptocurrency that fuels your blockchain-based initiatives is known as cryptocurrency.

Types of Crypto for Different Blockchains

Your choice of blockchain platform will determine the kind of cryptocurrency you require.

As an illustration, you’ll need ETH for Ethereum, BNB for Binance Smart Chain, and ADA for Cardano.

These digital currencies enable multiple features, such as innovative contract interactions, acting as investment and utility tokens.

How to Buy Crypto

Thanks to various cryptocurrency exchanges and simple payment options, buying cryptocurrencies has become more and more feasible.

You can use conventional techniques like bank transfers or credit or debit cards to complete transactions quickly.

Purchase Crypto with Apple Pay

If you’re an Apple user, buying crypto is even easier. Many reputable exchanges offer the option to purchase crypto with Apple Pay, providing an extra layer of security and convenience.

It’s a straightforward process that only requires you to connect your Apple Pay account to the exchange, choose the amount you wish to buy, and confirm the transaction.

Storing Your Crypto Safely

After purchasing cryptocurrency, it’s critical to store it safely. If you’re handling sizable quantities, use a trustworthy cryptocurrency wallet, preferably a hardware wallet.

These wallets create and maintain your keys in an offline environment, protecting them from internet hacking efforts.

Deploying Your Blockchain App

You can launch your blockchain application once you have enough cryptocurrency. Depending on your platform, you might have to use that platform’s native cryptocurrency to pay the necessary gas fees.

For instance, while launching a dApp on Ethereum, gas is paid in ether. Although this is an unavoidable expense, it is a tiny price to pay for blockchain’s decentralization and security advantages.

Understanding how cryptocurrencies fit into the blockchain ecosystem helps you become a more skilled blockchain programmer and deploy your applications with more excellent knowledge.

Front-End and Blockchain


A JavaScript library called Web3.js enables communication between your application and a blockchain. Web3.js is crucial for front-end development while creating a dApp.


Users can interact with dApps directly from their browser by using the popular browser extension MetaMask, which also functions as an Ethereum wallet.

Blockchain Frameworks


Using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Truffle is a complete development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for blockchains.

Everything required to create blockchain applications and smart contracts is provided.


Embark is a quick, straightforward, and dependable platform for creating Ethereum-grounded, real-world operations.

Smart contracts, packaging decentralized applications, and more are all available.

Security in Blockchain Programming

Common Pitfalls

The development of blockchains must prioritize security. Look for flaws like integer overflows, underflows, and reentrancy attacks.

Best Practices

Use only up-to-date, checked-out libraries. Observe the coding standards and recommendations from the blockchain platform you’re using.

Popular Blockchain Platforms


In addition to a robust ecosystem, Ethereum, the most well-liked blockchain for dApps, offers community support.

Binance Smart Chain

BSC is growing more and more well-liked as a result of its inexpensive transactions and quick turnaround times.


Cardano distinguishes itself through its research-driven methodology, concentrating on developing a more safe and scalable blockchain.

Career Opportunities

Jobs in Blockchain Programming

Roles in the industry include architect, engineer for intelligent contracts, and blockchain developer.

Startups and tech behemoths alike are looking for qualified blockchain programmers.

Salaries and Demand

Salaries are competitive by nature, given the rising demand for blockchain solutions. Blockchain developers with experience might expect six-figure incomes.

Recommended Reading

Learning Resources


Books like “learning Blockchain” give a thorough preface to the proposition and operations of blockchain technology.

Online Courses

Courses tutored by subject-matter experts are available on platforms like Udemy and Coursera, delivering academic information and practical chops.


Blockchain programming is a cutting-edge technology that is influencing our future, not just another tech talent.

Understanding this technology is pivotal as we transition to a more secure and decentralized digital terrain.

Why then start learning blockchain programming today?

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